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Accreditation/recognition of the university and the study programs

  • Name of the University (Polish): Akademia Jagiellońska w Toruiu 

  • Name of the University (English): Jagiellonian Academy in Toruń

  • Name of Faculty: Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies in Uherské Hradiště

1. Listing in the directory of state-recognized universities in Poland

Our university is listed in the Polish state directory of accredited universities with the entry number 281, here is the link to the directory:

The Jagiellonian Academy is authorized to award the doctoral degree. The list of doctoral degrees awarded in the past can also be viewed in the Polish State Science and University Information Network:


2. Listing of the Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies

The Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences in Uherské Hradiště is officially registered with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MŠMT) as a faculty of a recognized foreign university. The diploma is awarded on the basis of the state accreditation of the university in Poland. Here is the link to the directory:

After opening the link above, select „Zahraniční vysoké školy působící v ČR a jejich studijní programy“ (Foreign universities operating legally in the Czech Republic).

Search our faculty under our Czech name („Fakulta veřejnosprávních a ekonomických studií v Uherském Hradišti, Vysoká škola Jagiellońská v Toruni, s.r.o.“) – The Faculty is currently ranked fourth from the top of the list.
Click “Details” on the right to view more information.

3. Recognition of the study programs:

All degree programs advertised on this homepage are so-called “professional managerial studies”. These take place outside the three-stage scheme of the Bologna education reform (Bachelor/Master/Doctorate). Rather, these are academic continuing education programs that, in addition to the academic demands, also aim to have a high level of practical relevance.

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